Payment & Booking Information
To secure a place we will require a 30% booking deposit with the final balance due 30 days before the departure date.
Please refer to our booking conditions for information about our deposit refund and trip cancellation policies.
Please find our full terms & conditions for your reference. If you have any questions please let us know.
Preparations & Kit
Depending on where you live, we will advise on the best flights. All guests need to arrive at the starting destination by the first night of the trip and we will meet you at the airport in person.
For all trips you will require a valid visa and comprehensive travel insurance. Again, we will help you every step of the way and provide you with all the advice that you will need.
We will provide all the camping equipment required for the trip. To help you prepare and pack clothing and personal kit we will send you an equipment list for your reference.
A Final Word About Altitude