The first rule of expedition management is to always have a plan B. On our latest trekking adventure in northern Yunnan and eastern Tibet we decided to explore an alternative trekking route and traverse the Nujiang and Mekong Valleys 40 km further south than our original plan. A big call at the time - the combination of a hair-raising bus ride high above a vertigo-inducing gorge (with our mules riding in a truck behind) and the subsequent crossing of two spectacular high-altitude passes framed by lush river valleys made for a wonderful end to the trip.
It also got me thinking about a follow-up expedition to traverse all three of the parallel river valleys that flow down from Tibet into Yunnan - the Yangste, the Mekong and the Nujiang. It would be an amazing adventure - particularly in late spring when the rhododendrons will be in full bloom. Stay posted. I'm making provisional plans as we speak - most probably for September 2018.